Acupuncture In Horses
How does Acupuncture work?
During equine acupuncture, small solid needles are placed in the horse at specific places called ‘acupoints’. These points are located in places on the body where there is a higher concentration of nerves and blood vessels. The needles stimulate the nervous system, which in turn controls all the other systems of the body. There is also a direct effect, stimulating the release of neurotransmitters that control pain. In addition to the use of acupuncture needles alone, other techniques may be used to provide stronger or longer stimulation of the acupoints. These techniques include the application of electricity to the needles (electro-acupuncture), or the injection of a liquid, usually Vitamin B12, into a point (aqua-acupuncture).
Acupuncture for Sport Horses
Sport horses work very hard. We ask a lot of them and want to do everything we can to keep these athletes at their peak performance. Acupuncture is a great way to address generalized soreness or stiffness, and regular treatments can help to increase the amount of time your horse stays sound between joint injections. The acupuncture scan is also useful for identifying mild sources of pain, which can often be addressed with one or two treatments, preventing them from turning into lameness.
Acupuncture for Senior Horses
Senior horses have earned the right to be pampered in their golden years. Whether your senior horse is still active in competition, occasionally hits the trail, or has entered retirement, he probably has some aches and pains. Older animals are also more likely to have developed chronic medical conditions such as PPID (Cushing’s Disease), COPD (Heaves), and laminitis. Acupuncture in the older horse can improve overall quality of life by making them more comfortable, increasing energy levels, and providing better control of their medical problems than with conventional therapies or medications alone.
Acupuncture for Broodmares
If your special mare is difficult to get in foal due to irregular cycles, failure to ovulate, problems with uterine fluid or tone, or other forms of infertility, acupuncture may be able to help. Treatments prior to the breeding season, at the time of insemination, or post-breeding may be necessary depending on the particular problems that need correcting.
Will my horse tolerate Acupuncture?
Most horses are tolerant of placement of the acupuncture needles because they are smaller and less painful than the regular needles used to give injections. Because of the effect of the endorphins released by acupuncture, many horses will become very quiet during their treatment or even appear to take a nap. However, if you horse is very fearful or aggressive about shots, he or she may not be the best acupuncture candidate.